英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-06-03 19:53:34

millions of


  • 网络解释

1. 上百万的,许许多多的:中秋节 Mid-autumn Day | 上百万的,许许多多的 millions of | 改变主意 change one's mind

2. millions of的翻译

2. 成百万上千万,数以百万计:make up one's mind 下决心 | millions of 成百万上千万,数以百万计 | more or less 或多或少

3. 成百万的:thousands of 成千上万的 | millions of 成百万的 | 14. be pleased to do sth 很高兴地干某事

  • 情景对话

Trading Stamps-(用赠券换东西)

millions of什么意思

A:Every time I go to the grocery, the clerk asks me if I save stamps.I always say no, but sometimes I get them anyway.

B:Oh, never turn them down.You can always find someone who'll take them.People spend hours pasting them in little books, and when a book is full.they drive miles to a redemption center where the stamps can be traded for things like pillow cases, or playing cards, or garden tools.
啊,别丢掉它。你总会找到回收赠券的人。 有些人花时间把赠券粘贴在小本子上,当一本贴满后,开几英里的车到回收中心去,在那儿可以用赠券交换像枕头套、扑克牌或修整花园的工具等东西。

A:But you have to save millions of them to get anything worth having.

Getting Started-(成立公司)

A:Let's review our start-up plans. When do you think we will be able to move into our new office?

B:Well, we can move in any time after July first, but moving in and actually getting started are two different things.

A:Good point. Anyway, I have our new marketing manager, Helen Parker, helping us get set up.

B:What is she doing?

A:She's overseeing the purchase of equipment and so forth.

B:Does she have a background in that sort of thing?

A:As a matter of fact, it turns out she practically ran her last company, from marketing to finance.

B:I'm looking forward to meeting her.

A:Have you begun to investigate factories? I'm so glad we aren't going to try to run our own factory at first.

B:Yes, I've started. And I've found some good people for R and D, too. Then there are the art people designing our logos-

A:Oh, no! Millions of details: logos, slogans, letterhead, name cards . . .

B:You thought setting up a company was going to be easy?

They are charged with bilking investors out of millions of dollars.(他们被控骗取投资者数百万美元。)
How can millions of dollars go astray?(数百万美元怎么会丢失了呢?)
As parts of the world become uninhabitable, millions of people will try to migrate to more hospitable areas.(随着世界一些地区变得不适合居住,上百万的人们将试图移居到更适合居住的地区。)
He helped energize and mobilize millions of people around the nation.(他参与激励并动员了全国数百万人。)
The lungs consist of millions of tiny air sacs.(肺包含数百万个小肺泡。)
Millions of people have lost their homes.(数百万人失去了家园。)
Millions of words have been written about the introduction of the euro.(已有上百万的文字论及欧元的引入。)
His stores stand to lose millions of dollars.(他的商店承受着数百万美元的损失。)
Unmanned post offices meant millions of letters went unsorted.(空无一人的邮局意味着上百万的信件无人处理。)
The port is vital to supply relief to millions of drought victims.(这个港口至关重要,给数百万旱灾民提供救济物资。)
millions of是什么意思 millions of在线翻译 millions of什么意思 millions of的意思 millions of的翻译 millions of的解释 millions of的发音 millions of的同义词